Liam the Leprechaun Wiki
Name Role Portrayer First Appearance
Liam the Leprechaun Main protagonist Bobjenz Leprechaun in a Tree!
Leprechaun Boss Liam's boss Kevin Brueck Leprechaun Vs. Grapefruit!
Clover Supporting character Bobjenz Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! (Interactive)
Grapefruit Antagonist Bobjenz Annoying Orange 7: Passion of the Fruit
Passion Fruit Character of the day iJustine Annoying Orange 7: Passion of the Fruit
Terror-Dactyl Antagonist Bobjenz Leprechaun Vs. Grapefruit! (full appearance)
Monster Rainbow Antagonist Aaron Massey Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! (Interactive)
Unicorn Antagonist Unvoiced Passionfruit's World Peace
Gypsy Character of the day Lisa Schwartz Misfortune Teller
Orange Brief cameo Daneboe The Annoying Orange
Date Joke character Bobjenz Leprechaun Vs. Grapefruit!
Corn Cob Joke character Daneboe Passionfruit's World Peace
Robot Unclear Unknown Robot and Me series
Genie Unclear Unknown Hasn't appeared